
Local Easter Egg Hunt Guide

April 5, 2019

A listing of local Easter Egg Hunts and Bunny sightings!  We'll be updating as we receive information on additional Easter events!

Saturday, April 6
Canton Fire Department - children up to 2nd grade -  11:00

Sunday, April 7
Alparon Park, Troy - $4 per child - benefits the Troy Fair Queen Program - 11:00
Tioga County YMCA, Mansfield - children 12 and under - 1:00
Midway Truckstop - 4:00

Saturday, April 13
EasterFest at Holliday Alliance Church - children 12 and under - crafts, games, food, candy, other activities - 10:00
Church of New Covenant, Mansfield - 11:00
Knoxville Community Center - 11:00
Woodland Park, Wellsborl (rain date 4/14 at 1:30) - 12:00
Lambs Creek Recreation Area - 1:00
Roseville Community Park - 1:00
Mansfield VFW - children 12 and under - pizza, snacks and activities - 1:00

Sunday, April 14
Morris Fire Department - 1:00
Tioga American Legion - 2:00
Williamson High School - ages 10 and under - 2:00
Ralston - ages 12 and under - 2:00

Friday, April 19
Nauvoo United Methodist Church - 9:00
Canton Elementary - 10:00
East Point United Methodist Church - 1:30

Saturday, April 20
Liberty Lutheran Church - 10:00
Westfield United Methodisy Church - 10:00
Raymond Richar VFW - also having a coloring contest - 11:00
Don Gill Elementary, Wellsboro - ages 12 and under - 11:00
Wheel Inn - ages 12 and under - Noon
First Presbyterian Church, Wellsboro - 1:00
Wells Township Park, Gillett - ages 12 and under - 2:00

Sunday, April 21
Cowanesque South Shore Playgroun - ages 12 and under - 1:00
Hillside Rod & Gun Club, Blossburg (rain date 4/28) - 2:00